Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Kerygma Conference 2013

Pardon me for being MIA in this blog for a long time. A lot on things happened in last few months. Some of the good and not so good things that happened to me are shown below:
1. I gave birth last May to a healthy baby boy.
2. I returned to the hospital 3 days after I was discharged due to elevated Blood pressure.
3. My Eldest start going to school.
4. Experienced post partum depression :(

I may had my downs but I am still fighting the negativity around and attended Kerygma Conference 2013. True enough, we were blessed by the Conference. We learned a lot and got empowered.

The Classes we attended were:
1. Powerful Business: VISION: Attaining the Millionaire's Mindset by Dean Pax Lapid.
2. Powerful Business: MISSION: Loving our Customer by Bro. Bo Sanchez and Edward Lee
3. Powerful Business: ACTION: How to Effectively Sell Your Product by Krish Dhanam and Francis Miranda
4. Marriage: SEX Factor Christian View on Intimacy) by Pilar Tolentino
5. Marriage: Family Idol: Win in all Areas of your Relationship by Michele Alignay, Pia Hontiveros-Pagkalinawanan & Rwin Pagkalinawan.

Aside from these classes, there were plenary talks given by Andy Comiskey, Krish Dhanam and Bro. Bo Sanchez and all of them were empowering.

Below are some of the key points that I have noted:

Plenary Talk by Andy Comiskey
1. God's mercy is more powerful than our sexual brokenness.
2. Jesus hated the traditions of men.
3. We are all children of God.

Plenary Talk by Bro. Bo Sanchez
1. You're wiser than you think you are.
2. The quality of your life is dependent on the quality of your decisions.
3. To make great decisions in life, consult a wise person.
4. Let these verses be our guide:
    a. PSALM 90:12 - Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
    b. PSALM 39:4 - “Show me, Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is.
5. YOU'RE NEXT.... you're one heart beat away from eternity.
6. The only way to live an awesome life is to think of your death everyday.
7. Age is relative.
 > Imagine your death bed.
 > Allow your older you to talk to the younger you.
9. Five (5) Messages from the OLD Dying Bo
 a. Everything goes back into the box. (Luke 12:20)
 b. Honor your own dreams. (Luke 10:40)
  - What is your ONE THING?
  - There would be distractions. Other people will distract us but we need to focus on our ONE Thing.
 c. Don't waste your time in useless conflicts.
  - Life is to short to carry grudges, hatreds and hurts.
  - We need to learn to love others from a distance.
  - Choose our battles well.
  - You're not the savior of the world. We only have one Savior - JESUS!
 d. Don't work too hard. Always create space for LOVE.
 e. Enjoy the present moment. LIVE IN YOUR NOW.

CLASS 1: Dean Pax Lapid
1. Yearning to Learn, Yearning to Earn.
2. Work on your Mind. Work on your attitude.
 a. Poverty is the root of all evil.
 b. Action through definiteness of purpose (personal, spiritual and financial) is the key to happiness.
 c. they look forward to new beginnings and test the unknown.
 d. Money is managed logically towards its use and investment.
 e. You use other people's money (leverage) and other people's time (organization/networking).
 f. They teach their children specific knowledge/skills of value for them to EARN-SAVE-INVEST.
4. Five (5) Rules of Abundance:
 a. 10-20-70 Rule (Eternity, Emancipation, Expense)
 b. Profitable Use of Money (E's to Prosperity - Estate (Real Estate), Enterprise (Business), Stock Market)
 c. Mastermind and Mentor. Be careful with people not walking their talk.
 d. If you jump... know what you're getting into.
 e. Be careful with your heart.
 - Not based on LUCK but based on LOCK that you UNLOCK.
6. POWER of Ambition - Create a dream book, Write/use the Novena to God's love, have a definite plan (ways and means) to achieve your dream, write your dreams.
7. POWER OF VISUALIZATION - you can never hit a target you can't see.
 - DREAMS of a Millionaire Mind > Positive, Personal, Presence Tense.
 - response with your ability to the opportunity
 - don't be a mediocre
9. KINDS of FAILURE - Thinking without Action and Acting without thinking.
10. LOVE is the greatest secret of Success. ~ Og Mandino
11. LEAD with Your Mind
 - L (Life's Ambition) - full expression
 - E (Energy to believe in the idea / opportunity)
 - A ( Action is the only Option) - Work for your own success.
 - D ( Destiny's Foundation) - Courage and Character Leads to Success
12. For Young entrepreneur, use your face value and do business with integrity.

CLASS 2: Loving your customer by Bro. Bo Sanchez
1. TRUST is deepened by the WHY of your Business.
    HOW: PROMISE that you Give (USP - Unique Selling Preposition)
**** Example of Successful Company, Organization: Apple, Truly Rich Club (Why = Good People can be Rich), The Feast (Why: We love the unchurched) and COL (Why: Everyone ought to be Rich).
2. The "RIGHT CUSTOMER" is always RIGHT.

Loving your Customer by Edward Lee
1. Don't sacrifice your service
2. Expand your products to the same Customers.
4. Spend 80% of time on marketing.
5. Learn all you can.
6. The customer you spend time with is your customer

1. Selling is a process, not an event.
2. Selling is what you do "for" someone, not "to" someone.
3. Selling is a life long journeys.
4. Selling requires both the head and heart. They should be connected.
5. Prepare to sell by having your 1st appointment with SELF not with Client.
6. PEOPLE don't but for "YOUR" reason but for "THEIR" reason.
7. Be in-charge of our actions.
8. Be a 24H Champion.
9. Happy Kids - having a father who LOVES GOD and who LOVES his WIFE.
10. Customers don't buy products, they buy solutions.
11. TRUST meet expectations over time.
12. LOVE spells T-I-M-E.
13. Success is an ongoing journey.
14. Failure is an event, not a person.
15. Be a great student. Be a great teacher.
16. Choose people to hang out with.
17. Other people's opinion don't matter. It's our own opinion that matters.
18. Three (3) TOP Lessons from Zig Ziglar - LOVE for GOD, FAMILY and COUNTRY.
19. POSITIVE Thinking should be supported by Positive Affirmation.
20. While you learn, don't forget to teach.
21. Persistent vs. Annoying.
22. Discipline is a FRIEND not an ENEMY.
23. SELF MOTIVATION > change in view... OPPORTUNITY CLOCK instead of ALARM Clock.
24. Understand the difference between refusal and rejection.
25. Three Books that influenced him: BIBLE, See you at the TOP by ZIG Ziglar, Developing the Leader within You by John Maxwell.
26. Affiliation and Reputation can bring us either Success or Failure.
27. In closing a SALE: Ask direct question.
28. Consistency brings Success.. ensure you have a pipeline.
29. Morning Ritual.... Honoring the people he loves. :)

The PATHWAY of Selling by Francis MIRANDA
1. Know, Believe, Love and Share your product.
2. Know, Believe, Love and Share yourself.
3. Know yourself by knowing your strength and weaknesses.
4. Share yourself by serving our customers and surrendering ourselves to them.
5. Books that influenced him: The Well, Turn your Passion into Profit by Bo Sanchez and Dean Pax Lapid.
6. Always prepare before closing a sale.
7. No two (2) closing are the same.

Plenary Talk by Krish Dhanam
1. God wants our availability not our ability. He will make us able.
2. Partial Obedience is DISOBEDIENCE.
3. LOVE - central life of Christianity.
4. If you don't feel the devil, you might be walking in the same direction.
 a. Lord Jesus, please feel free to show up at my expense.
 b. Lord Jesus, please raise my gifts but lowered me.
 c. Lord Jesus, please don't give me so much that I'll get dependent on you. Please don't give me less that I get discouraged.

Plenary Talk by Bro. Bo Sanchez
1. All progress—in any area of life—comes not from pleasure, but from pain!
2. If you push away all pain from your life, you also push away all progress from your life.
3. Successful people pursue pain.
4. Birth, Learning, Raising Great Kids, Great Marriage and Financial Prosperity requires pain.
5. Pain is temporary.  But your Purpose is permanent.
6. Your pain will prepare you for your purpose.

It is our third year attending the Kerygma Conference. And it's getting better and better. From Glory to Glory to the rising of Champions. Now, it was empowering....

It truly Empowered me. It Blessed me. NOW, I'm  ready to endure pain, face my fear, go out of my comfort zone and conquer the world. I can do all things through Christ who EMPOWERS me.


Jennifer Letran said...

Hi is it okay to buy a regular ticket or a premium one? Pls enail me: girdlebun@gmail.co.

Ella Go said...

hi, any will do.
the premium one just have other perks. :)