Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feast PICC Talk Series: Talk 1 - Salary vs. Profit 020512

I just want to share the important things that Bo Sanchez pointed out during his talk in the PICC Feast. For this month of February, we have "OVERFLOW" Series. Talk 1 started last February 05,2012 and below are the things I have noted.

There are many ways to create wealth but the best is to "Answer God's Call for Your Life". It is the easiest and natural way.

There are Two Blocks that Prevent Overflow in our Life

1. Wrong thinking 

  • Believe that business is service. 
  • Profit is good/sacred. It is encouraged  (Matthew 25: 25-26)
2. Wrong Strategy

  • We tend to move away from our core gift. We compare ourselves with others.
  • Focus on our strength/gift and learn how to monetize it.

Things to Do

1. Risk your Gold

  • We don't know our gift because we don't experiment because we are afraid of rejections
  • Take Risk. Experiment.
  • Fail Quickly and Try Again
  • Don't bury your Gift. Use it. Share it.
2. Reproduce your Gold
  • If we don't use our gift, we will lose it. But if we use it, we reproduce it.
  • Expand, double, Multiple
  • Look for mentors
  • Attend Seminars
  • Read Books
3. Return the Gold 
  • Give to God the "Principal + Interest"
  • We're just caretakers. 
  • Always ask God on how he wants us to use his wealth entrusted to us.

"Just Serve. The universe will find a way to repay you."

By the way, the talk is about Salary vs. Income because we can be an Employee or an Entrepreneur but at the end of the day, we are will be waiting for income. We can receive the salary and profit that we want if we will be following the things that Bro. Bo shared to us

These are just simple steps but most of us don't know or ignore it. However, if we will really think about it and look at the successful people around us, we will learn that their secrets are not really secrets. We just fail to recognize and see what they see.

Let us pray that our eyes and ears be opened to what God wants us to do. May we become obedient and faithful servants. In Jesus Name. Amen.

The Feast is a Catholic Weekly Prayer Meeting of the Light of Jesus (LOJ) Family founded by Catholic lay preacher and author Bo Sanchez. It is commonly known as the " Happiest Place on Earth. For schedule and location of Feast near you, please contact: 725-9999.

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